Too easy, too juicy, too tasty not to be done

Ingredients 4px
- Ready rolled puff pastry
- 3 apples
- 1 knob of butter
- 2 spoons of apricot jam (to paint it)
- sugar
- mint leaves (to decorate or to miss it if you don't have the plant at home)
Unroll the puff pastry, strech it a little bit and put it on the baking tray. Prick it with a fork.
Peel the apples ( I do it with a potato peeler to take the maximum profit of an apple), cut them in half, take out the heart inside and cut them into slices (NOTE: invest on good knives, IKEA's are to play with them not to cook with them). Cover the puff pastry with the apples leaving the edges free.
Sprinkle the apples with sugar.Put on small portions of butter (I put quite a lot because it makes it more tasty!)
Bake it at 200ยบ during 20-25 minutes (after the oven is pre-heated).
Once baked, paint it with the apricot jam.