
Green asparagus handkerchiefs :: Pañuelos de espárragos verdes

Since I'm on diet and I mainly have fish and chicken, I need to complete my meals with a side dish. And, I'm telling you, I'm getting sick of salads. Fish with salad, chicken with salad, everything with salad. So, I browsed around: internet, books, etc and I found this healthy recipe based on asparagus (as you might know, asparagus are diuretics ;). No need to mention that this is also a perfect appetitive dish!

Ingredients (3-4 px)

  • 13 slices of sandwich bread
  • 39 units of green asparagus
  • 1 egg
  • 15 ml of vinegar
  • 0,5 dl of sunflower oil
  • A pinch of salt
Let's start by the sandwich bread. You can already buy crust less bread but since it is more expensive you can remove the crust and keep it to make gazpacho, for example. Grab a roller and mash every slice of bread.

As asparagus and bread might be a little bit dry in our mouth, we are going to add a little bit of mayonnaise. But we are going to make homemade mayonnaise!  Break the egg in a pot. Add the sunflower oil, the vinegar and the pinch on salt. Now, put the breaker on the bottom of the pot and switch it on. Do not move the breaker until you see all the ingredients are mixed and the mixture begins to emulsify. At this point you can raise the breaker a little bit and move it up and down 5 times. It's a very important thing to avoid having a liquid mayonnaise.
It's time now to make the asparagus handkerchiefs. Grab one mashed slice of bread, paint the surface with mayonnaise and add 3 asparagus. Display the asparagus inverted: top-to-bottom so they will look nicer.
Fold one side with the other one and screw it with a stick. Keep building the rest of the handkerchief.
Pre-heat the oven 180oC. Display the asparagus handkerchiefs on a tray and put it in the oven to broil for 10 minutes.

Once done cut them in half and they are ready to eat!

Enjoy yourselves Spanish Kitchenetters!

Font: Isasaweis


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