First of all, I wish you had a VERY MERRY Christmas. We really had it so far! And we have been gathering with our beloved family and friends around the table which is always the best part of the season indeed.
Secondly, THANK YOU for being on the other side of the screen reading my blog. We will be uploading more and more recipes, restaurants reviews and things going on in our Spanish kitchen and... My patient boyfriend will be translating into Swedish in case you might want to read the blog in that language.
For the moment, I'm showing you all the AMAZING food treats my boyfriend got for his birthday. They came directly from Sweden and we loved it! It brought back good memories from the years my boyfriend lived there and I was so thrilled to taste new things!
Ginger snaps small hearts. You know I mentioned that my favourite pepparkakor are from Anna's but I can wait to give them a try! (with my boyfriend's permission, of course ;)

Jule nisse is a fluffy, two-coloured marshmallow Santa with a taste of strawberry. Swedes are so keen on Christmas stuffs and they care on bringing it to your house even in marshmallows!
Kex means biscuit in Swedish so it is basically a chocolate biscuit with a waffle pattern on the front. You might probably find similar ones in your country but this one is just... Swedish ;)

This little lovely cottage just makes me point out again that Swedes LOVE Christmas and they really built up beautiful things. This small paper house was filled with Swedish candies from Malaco (a Swedish brand of confectionery products) and Bilars.
Malaco is one of the Sweden's most famous candy brands. Both the content and the box design with the monkey, giraffe and parrot are true Swedish classic in candy shelf. They are small tablets of Zoo in a box. We also had the Fruit box.
And finally in the little house we can find Rox (raspberry & lemongrass flavoured sweeties) and & Fox (plain lemon flavoured ones).

These little cars are the most popular soft fruit flavoured candies all over Sweden. The small marshmallow cars are marketed as "the Swedish most bought car". They are really addictive! My dad actually LOVED them till the point that every time we fly to Sweden we have to bring him 3-4 cases of Bilars.
I know this is a Norwegian brand but I found it out in Göteborg. Actually ICA has got a HUGE cupboard with all these "food tooth pastes" hanging on there. There are so many flavours and tastes and when you stop in front of it you can hardly decide which one taking home first.

This is a baked Christmas spiced wheat crispbread that works perfectly with all the spreads mentioned above. It is crunchy and you can either eat it with something else or as a small snack between hours. I just love it.
Julmust is a soft drink that is mainly consumed in Sweden around Christmas. Bear in mind that the consumption of Coca-Cola drops by as much as 50% over Christmas because of this drink (!!!). Crazy! This is like David against Goliath haha!