
Ham & cheese rolls :: Rollitos de queso

We got really late at home last night and didn't have time enough to fix the dinner so I looked up in my memory and reminded one of my mother's easy recipes that she used to do when I was a kid. There you go...

Ingredients 2 px

  • 12 slices of ham
  • 12 cheese slice sandwiches
  • 1 egg
  • 12 small chopsticks

Take one slice of ham and one cheese slice sandwiches and roll them together so that the cheese is inside the ham. Stick both ingredients with a small chopstick and set it aside.
Do the same job for the rest of the ham and cheese till you have the 12 rolls done.
Then, beat the egg and soak the ham & cheese rolls in. Put some olive oil in the pan (you can use sunflower oil or even butter!) and heat. 

Once the pan is hot (not burnt!) put the soaked rolls and fry them. I personally like them very roasted!
And voilá! Easy right? It's a perfect recipe to do it with your kids.

Hope you liked it Spanish kitchenetters!


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